Difference Between Conservative And Progressive

Difference Between Conservative And Progressive
Difference Between Conservative And Progressive

Key Difference – Conservative vs Progressive

Conservative and Progressive are two ideological principles in politics and social sciences. They both explain the attitude one has towards social progress. ‘Conservative’ describes someone who is conservative in attitude for change thus, pertaining to remain the same way while ‘Progressive’ suggests someone favoring or promoting change and novel progress in things. The key difference between a Conservative and a Progressive is a Conservative bears conservative attitude thus not favoring for political and social change while a Progressive favors for political and social transformations and innovations.


1. Overview and Key Difference

2. Who is a Conservative

3. Who is a Progressive

4. Similarities Between Conservative and Progressive

5. Side by Side Comparison – Conservative vs Progressive in Tabular Form

6. Summary

Who is a Conservative?

A conservative is someone who basically doesn’t advocate reforms or changes in the existing system. In politics, a conservative is someone relating to the Conservative Party or a similar party elsewhere. Hence, conservative favors the maintenance of the status quo or reversion to some earlier status. Conservatives are adverse to change and hold traditional and conservative attitudes.

Conservatives promote traditional social institutions and governing systems in the context of culture and civilization. A conservative believes that there exists an enduring moral order. That order is made for man, and man is made for it: human nature is a constant, and moral truths are permanent.

Moreover, according to Edmund Burke and the Republican Party policies, Conservatives stand for balanced budgets, minimal intrusive government and the respect for the rights of individuals. They are also known as ‘traditionalists’ and ‘right-wing’ people. They also favor free enterprise and private ownership.

Difference Between Conservative and Progressive
Difference Between Conservative and Progressive

Fig 01: Republican Party Logo

Some of the well known Conservative parties in the world are Republican Party (United States), Conservative Party, UK Independence Party (United Kingdom), European People’s Party (European Union).

Who is a Progressive?

A Progressive is someone who favors and enacts to bring changes in the existing system. Thus, they advocate change and social progression through transformations. Progressive implements social reforms or new liberal ideas, unlike a Conservative. They support and promote change and innovation.

A Progressive have certain believes in varied matters. Some are:

  • They believe the social facilities like healthcare, education etc should be free to any person living in the society,
  • They believe that wealth, not just income should be taxed.
  • They believe that electoral democracy is not enough and that democracy must also be participatory and extend to work as well
  • They believe that human rights should always triumph property rights.
  • They believe that strengthening the rights of all workers to unionize and bargain which will be a useful step towards full economic democracy
  • They believe that the legal doctrine granting cooperation, the same constitutional rights as natural persons are absurd thus must be overturned.
  • They believe in celebrating social diversity
Key Difference Between Conservative and Progressive
Key Difference Between Conservative and Progressive

Fig 02: Bull Moose Party Logo

Some of the well known Progressive parties in the world are Bull Moose Party or Progressive Party (United States), Progressive Party, London Reform Union (United Kingdom), The Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (European Union).

What is the Similarity Between Conservative and Progressive?

Both are related to politics and social progress

What is the Difference Between Conservative and Progressive?

Diff Article Middle before Table

Conservative vs Progressive

Conservative is someone who averses social innovations and thus, holds conventional values. Progressive is someone who favors social innovations and reforms.
Conservative holds traditional and conservative attitudes to social progress. Progressive holds a positive attitude and promotes change and encourages social change.
Status Quo
Conservative adheres to maintain the existing status quo or to maintain an earlier existed status quo. Progressive encourages reforming the existing status quo and tries to create a novel status quo with reforms.
Social and Political Reforms
Do not advocate political or any form of social reforms Always advocate and support political, social and any form of reforms.

Summary – Conservative vs Progressive

Both Conservative and Progressive are ideological aspects with regard to politics and social progress. They have their unique ideologies with regard to status quo and government reforms. Conservative is someone who belongs to a conservative party or someone who averse social change by focusing mainly in preserving the traditional status quo of a country whereas a progressive advocates social reform and novelties in social progress and politics. This can be highlighted as the basic difference between Conservative and Progressive.

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